While dentures have been around much longer (think wooden dentures used hundreds of years ago), dental implants are now the first choice and highest standard of care compared to other options for restoring missing teeth. While dental implants are more expensive then dentures – sometimes much more expensive if extensive surgery is involved – they are still the preferred method of replacing missing teeth. At Georgia Denture & Implant Specialists we understand that it is not always an easy decision when patients must choose between dentures or implants. We also understand that there is no “one size fits all” solution for those with missing teeth. However, dental implants are now the standard of care for replacing missing teeth, and here’s why.
- Dental implants provide a permanent solution for patients. When properly placed and cared for over time, they can last a lifetime for patients. This saves patients much time (and money) in the long run because they do not need to replace their dentures or tooth-supported dental bridges.
- Empty spaces in the jawbone are extremely susceptible to weakening. Left unfilled, these spaces can become soft and cause surrounding teeth to shift and even fall out. Dental implants are the only dental restoration option that allows the stimulation of bone growth so that they act like natural teeth firmly supported by the jaw.
- Dental implants are the most natural looking replacement. Dental implants allow patients to maintain the natural shape of their faces, they feel, fit, and function like natural teeth, and they can be customized to match the color of your natural teeth perfectly.
- Patients also do not have to worry about their teeth replacements falling out or slipping while eating, speaking, laughing, or in any other situation.
Georgia Denture & Implant Specialists will help each of our patients make the most informed decision so that s/he chooses the tooth replacement option that is right for her or him. If you are considering your options, please let the experts at Georgia Denture & Implant Specialists serve you with the highest standard of care.
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