While it is always important to clean your dentures at home on a daily basis, it is also important that you have your dentures professionally cleaned on a regular basis. Just as natural teeth are subject to plaque and tartar buildup over time, your dentures are also subject to this buildup. Inside the mouth, millions of bacteria gather on a regular basis and congregate around particles that are left behind after eating and drinking. As the bacteria congregate, they build up in a hard layer. While brushing, flossing, and soaking your dentures is important, over time layers of hardened bacteria will form and need professional intervention for thorough removal.
At Georgia Denture & Implant Specialists, we are proud to make professional denture cleaning easy and convenient. As part of our denture and implant services, we offer free denture cleaning to new and existing patients. The best way to ensure that your dentures look and feel their best, and that they last for years to come, is to keep them in the best condition possible. We have onsite, professional, and experienced lab technicians that will clean your dentures for you while you wait.
The entire team at Georgia Denture & Implant Specialists is committed to your smile. When you have made an investment in dentures, it is imperative that you take the proper means to protect them from the damage that plaque and tartar buildup will do over time. We invite you to contact our Denture Cleaning Specialists today to schedule an appointment.
Being a patient of Georgia Denture & Implant Specialists offers more benefits than just free denture cleaning. Our two experienced prosthodontist and team of professionals offer the finest denture and implant services available. If you are in need of new dentures or have an interest in learning more about dental implants, please schedule a consultation appointment when you schedule your denture cleaning. We are here for all of your tooth replacement needs, and we are committed to helping you find the best solution to suit your needs, budget, and lifestyle. We look forward to helping you put your best smile forward.
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